About me

Chie Marquart-Tabel, Black and queer visual artist and painter, illustrator and strategic consultant, standing in front of some paintings during their first solo-exhibition "On day they will find you and know, that you were all here together"

I am Chie Marquart-Tabel.

I care about connection and I love to build new things.

Both can be found in my work as a visual artist, as a strategic consultant and as a community activist.

As a 16-year old, I decided to study a BA Philosophy&Economics instead of Fine Arts to better understand, what is going wrong in this world. Still believing in the impact and lever of companies after working for several startups and digital agencies, I did the MSc Business Development and Entrepreneurship at Utrecht University, learning, researching and prototyping about Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Marketing. As a Strategic Consultant at McKinsey&Company, TLGG Consulting and sustentio I got to develop my skill set as a consultant over the past years and specialized in User Experience Strategy, a field that allows me to build new solutions to problems I get to explore in close contact with users and customers.

Not only did I discover User Experience Strategy as my field of expertise over these years. I also started to build my illustration business and dove deeper into the world of painting. My first solo exhibition in October 2023 “One day they will find you and know that you were all here together” at SóLaura Studio in Berlin marks a turning point towards my work as a visual artist.

Today I work at the intersections of my fields of expertise: Creating connection through art and activism on the one side and supporting those who create art and connection through strategic consulting on the other side.

chie.works is a space to build new things from a place of care and enthusiasm.


Exhibition poster of Chie Marquart-Tabel’s first solo-exhibition "On day they will find you and know, that you were all here together". Chie Marquart-Tabel is a Black and queer visual artist and painter, illustrator, strategic consultant and activist